The ZUU 30 Day Tradie Challenge Introduction

Nathan Helberg who founded the ZUU bodyweight fitness brand comes from the trades. He still works in construction today, it’s something he’s very proud of.

That being said, Nathan lived the downward spiral for 20 years that thousands of Aussie tradies find themselves in today.

Nathan intimately understands the daunting challenges confronting Aussie tradies today, having navigated his own tumultuous journey over two decades. Battling alcohol addiction, extensive absences from home, physically demanding tasks, poor dietary habits, and toxic work environments exacted a toll on both his body and mind.

As his physical health deteriorated and stress levels soared, Nathan found himself on the brink of losing everything he cherished, with strains on his relationships at home at an all-time high. This critical juncture spurred Nathan into action, driven to not only reclaim his life but also to emerge as a resilient role model for his family.

In his quest for personal redemption, Nathan unearthed a transformative approach that not only revitalized his health and well-being but also deeply resonates with men confronting similar adversities. Today, Nathan’s innovative methodologies empower men in construction to conquer challenges, excel professionally, and forge deeper connections with loved ones.

As a pioneer in the wellness space, Nathan invites you to join him in becoming the epitome of strength and resilience—a journey that has profoundly shaped his role as a father, husband, and esteemed leader in the wellness space.


Day 25 & 26 workout